Posted by Martyn Dyer on 28/11/2023, 12:30 pm I am trying to find any information about a children's home, in Newton Abbot, for a child born in 1932. All I know is that the child was allowed to visit her mother and relations in Torquay, from time to time. Any pointers would be most appreciated. Message Thread Children's homes in Newton Abbot in the 1930's - Martyn Dyer 28/11/2023, 12:30 pm Re: Children's homes in Newton Abbot in the 1930's - Ann 29/11/2023, 10:18 am Re: Children's homes in Newton Abbot in the 1930's - Martyn Dyer 29/11/2023, 12:38 pm « Back to index | View thread »
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