Posted by Dave Williams on January 4, 2025, 12:23 pm
Damn long chase overnight
Red pickup with plates covered fled Mad Co on Nameoki Rd toward 270 270 Westbound spikey strips ahead at Rt 3 *Ka-Pow* Great success Continuing 270 West on 2 flats 70 mph Pontoon Beach joins chase Approaching Rt 3 at 40 mph More spikey strips ahead Direct hit again, continuing Front tire flying apart, 35 mph Now rear tire, crossing into Missouri 30 mph, losing another tire. Now he's just showing off. Tire #4 flat, and he's continuing 30 mph. Alton PD joins Exiting Riverview The Official Exit of Metro-East Crime South on Riverview with a line of PD behind him at 20 MPH. Onlookers expecting them to throw candy at these speeds 🍬 🍫 🍭 Final tire flying apart, continuing 20 MPH South on Hall Street Passenger door opening. I'd want out too, turning onto Blaise South on Broadway passing Swikter *Phonetic spelling* Right onto Calvary Change of plans, passenger door closes Passing West Florissant Right onto Geraldine, the Street, not the person. Now going the wrongway on a one way, on rims no less. Speed 15 mph. At 10 mph the cops just run along side and jerk him out, I think 🤔 . Left on Union, crossing Bircher onto Kingshighway Entering 70 eastbound with sparks flying. Nope 70 a bad idea, anytime, but especially at 15 mph, exiting Shreve. Passing Carter onto Marcus Avenue Passenger door opening again Threw something out Door closes Right on Lee Ave, passenger door opens again. Can't make up their mind, possibly female. Alton PD recovers dumped item. Right into an alley. Left onto Kingshighway on the rims This can't be real... but it is. Right onto San Francisco Avenue Right onto Euclid Into another alley Left on Schreve Left on Marcus *Recalculating* Passing Sacramento Passing San Francisco Sad Diego must be somewhere near here Driver door opening Right onto Lee Avenue Left on Newstead Into another alley STL City joins, that's a new one. Right on Taylor Right on Penrose Left on Bessie Right on Marcus again Driving into a yard This mf must be using Apple Maps. Driving on sidewalk right on Taylor. North on Newstead, passenger door opens again. Left onto Bircher, entering 70 again 😆 Exiting West Florissant Passing Kerry Ave Right onto Withers.
Meanwhile in Edwardsville, 2 females and 4 males all went into the same bathroom at the same time, Circle K.
Now back to the 15 mph pursuit Adelade to Broadway, left onto Hall Street Right onto Maclaren Ave Right into Halls Ferry
Air Support joins... Which begs the question, can an airplane even go 15 mph ?
Back onto Riverview, trying to navigate a roundabout on 4 rims 😆 I still can't believe this is real. He did it ! Left onto Newby, the Street, not the person that's going to ask to make this sharable. Right onto Melvin, onto Church Good, he sure needs Jesus. FFS back onto Riverview The Official Exit of Metro-East Crime Now a u-turn, which should be easy on 4 rims, left onto Jordan right on Newby, back onto Riverview and giving the roundabout another shot. Onto Goodfellow, left onto West Florissant And he's crashed, but wait, still going on the sidewalk. This is possibly Jason Bourne. Right on Genevieve, left on Beckla, Veckla, something like that. Entering 70 the wrong way, Jesus. Bailing Kingshighway at 70 3 in custody
Elapsed Time: 1 hour 22 minutes. New MEC World Record
The End @followersThe policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: From Metro East Crime
Posted by Dave Williams on January 4, 2025, 12:39 pm, in reply to "From Metro East Crime "
MADISON COUNTY Pontoon Beach Police BP Gas Station / 111 and Pontoon Rd Female in parking lot covered in blood. Says she was attacked in East St Louis
1104 - Police asking for EMSThe policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
I miss the good old days when the cops could cave in these animals' skulls with the big metal flashlights. Now I don't even know why they bother to chase them just to let them go.Europe has gotten as whiny as SEIU and the teacher's unions when the US taxpayer spigot gets turned off.