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    Re: idiocy on display Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on February 8, 2020, 4:15 pm, in reply to "idiocy on display"

    Now being on the actual topic of Idiocy on Display...

    Yes, it sounds idiotic on its face...

    But again you are misplacing the blame, again...the people who make $700/hr are convincing people who make $700/week that people who make $7/hour are the problem. You're caught up in that and Faux News wants you to be pissed off.

    You never want to complain about the people who exploit their labor and skirt labor laws left and right.

    They never seem to have to pay their fair share.

    In your book, the people who are evil are those who are the poorest of the lot... I guess I cannot be like Trump and play the race card...but we also kind of know who comprises this 'villified' group.

    All the same, don't get your undercarriage in a wad on this one...

    The Exploiters need to start paying their fair share of taxes, wages, and provisions for workers' safety.

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