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    Exodus Illinois: Leftist States Left with Bottom-Feeders Archived Message

    Posted by Riverbender on January 28, 2020, 9:22 am

    Soon, if you live in a Leftist-controlled state you will know that you are one of the bottom-dwellers.
    Because anybody with any sense is packing up and leaving Leftist enclaves for states that offer sanity to their citizens.
    The census reports that nearly 7.5 million people moved from one state to another in 2018. People left loser states, preferring to live in states like South Carolina, Arizona, Texas and Florida. The latest 2018 domestic migration data was provided by the Internal Revenue Service.

    7.5 million people hopefully leaving the idiotic ideology behind, but bringing their businesses and money with them. This mass migration impacts the Electoral College. That fact is why Democrats fight hard to dismiss the Electoral College.

    Consider the financial and political losers.
    Described as perennial losers, the list includes Leftists states of Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois and New York. These states have experienced some of the nation’s biggest drain of people and their money. California experienced a net loss of 190,000 people in 2018. This number has consistently risen over the past decade. When you consider the influx of illegals, this loss of citizens is daunting.


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