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    Congratulations Archived Message

    Posted by opinionated on January 7, 2020, 7:53 am

    to our friends on the "extreme" left.

    You have a Hollywood Pu*** threatening to kill the President or at least match the bounty put on him by the ragheads in Iran.

    You have snowflakes mourning the death of a murderer and terrorist and condemning the President for taking out the piece of crap.

    You have our military and the Pentagon being called sponsors of terror.

    Way to go. You are officially brainwashed. I hope you never stand a post in a military zone because you would wet yourselves and surrender to the enemy telling them everything you know. You haven't the slightest comprehension about what this animal did to his own citizens and our military men and women yet you feel sad for him.

    The President, just as previous Presidents, have the total authority as Commander in Chief to eliminate enemy combatants. He had intelligence briefings that indicated the General was planning another major attack on U.S. property abroad and he was taken out.

    Now our limp wristed friend on CNN says the President is leading us into a war. Hey gang, we've been at war with terrorist before 911 and we'll be at war with terrorist long after this new generation forgets 911 happened. This is no time for a leader to draw imaginary lines in the sand and not make good on a threat to defend that line. Iran knows that this President, unlike a couple before him, will respond with the fires of hell if they dare attack our nation while he's at the helm.

    You can lay down and cry, scream in the streets, protest and have your Hollywood icons make idle threats ( I hope he's arrested ) but those of us who know what the terrorist are capable of would just as soon not see any more buildings knocked down by airplanes.

    We are the good guys. Don't forget it. And before you respond, I know that there are many of my democratic friends who feel as I do and have worn a uniform. I'll listen to them before I do some smartass Hollywood nobody.

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