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    Report suggests bag, bottle, stormwater fees for EPA funding Archived Message

    Posted by Riverbender on December 12, 2019, 1:11 am

    With soaring property taxes, political lobbying for a higher state income tax the Illinois EPA wants new taxes for itself too. Just think in the nit to distant future the people in Pontoon Beach will not only get flooded they will have to pay a tax on the situation too. Does it ever end?

    The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is overworked and understaffed to the point that it is putting residents’ health in danger, according to a report from the University of Chicago.

    “Despite the laudable efforts of many IEPA employees, the agency lacks the assets it needs to protect the environment and public health sufficiently,” the report said. “These deficiencies hinder its capacity to execute its historical mission and are barriers to overcome if Illinois chooses to step up efforts to ensure that environmental protection is not compromised.”

    The solution, the report said, is more funding from the state in the form of increased business fees and statewide charges on plastic bags and bottles and a statewide stormwater fee.

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