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    The ‘Blafrican’ American vote - by Joe Biden Archived Message

    Posted by Bluangel on November 21, 2019, 2:48 pm

    A new racial term?

    Later in the night, Sen. Booker joked that he thought the former veep was “high” this week when he said he believes marijuana might be a “gateway drug” and shouldn’t be legalized. Booker pointed out that marijuana is “already legal for privileged people,” a reference to the fact that black Americans are six times likelier to be jailed for drug crimes.

    Responding to Booker’s criticisms, Biden tried to claim a special affinity with the black community. Instead, he shoved both his feet in his mouth, saying that he “comes out of the black community, in terms of my support.”

    Then, it got worse.

    “If you notice, I have more people supporting me in the black community that have announced for me, because they know me,” Biden said, adding that among those endorsements was “the only bl– African-American woman that had ever been elected to the United States Senate.”

    He was referring to former Sen. Carol Mosley Braun. Unfortunately, he made the comment with Sen. Kamala Harris, the second black African-American woman elected to the Senate, looking on.

    “That’s not true. That’s not true,” Booker said, laughing, while Harris drily chimed in, “The other one’s here.”

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