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    Priorities of the DC rodents. Archived Message

    Posted by Wally Bunker on November 7, 2019, 10:47 am

    The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has voted to fund efforts to "enhance the border security" of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia while moving to deny all funding to build walls, fencing or any other structures to enhance the border security of the United States.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her lieutenants have their priorities.

    To them, borders on the other side of the world are more important than our own.

    Yes indeed, the Democrat party will aid the cartels if Trump engages them in any way. They may do it on the sly, or they may do it openly, but they will do it one way or another.

    Message Thread:

    • Priorities of the DC rodents. - Wally Bunker November 7, 2019, 10:47 am