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    If you think we're dysfunctional... Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on October 21, 2019, 8:34 am

    I don't know who the 'we' is...., but it doesn't matter.

    Carpentersville is located in Kane County, just one county west of Crook County....and in 2005-2009 they had a hell of a time keeping order.

    Luckily, doing a follow-up this particular town has cleaned up its act... But back in 2005, this town had a doofus of a Mayor who only provoked rather than keep order.

    The Mayor had only one ally on the village board, and those who opposed him were characters in their own right.

    The Mayor was Democrat, along with his ally. The rest weren't. You will find by the end, that party means very little; they are all equally petty....and a voice of reason is not to be found.

    This has it all...could have been its own soap opera.

    Again, thankfully, just about all these yay-hoos are long gone. A current video of board meetings are relatively boring....like board meetings should be.

    However, there was a guy who took the opportunity to capture these moments and put them on YouTube. I am not responsible if you come across a comment or to that's rated R.

    Welcome to the Village of Carpentersville IL 2005-2009.

    This will be entertaining.

    Postscript..... I hear there were efforts from Carpentersville for the poster to take down his videos that 'hurt the image' of Carpentersville. LOL Not a chance in hell.

    The best of Carpentersville, IllinoisThe Worst of Carpentersville, Illinois....

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