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    The 5 Stages of Impeachment Grief Archived Message

    Posted by Palin 2020 on October 12, 2019, 10:39 am

    I encourage you to read through the following and understand what President Trump is going through.

    This information may also help his supporters come to terms with the inevitable.

    Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the impeachment process is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality.

    Anger – When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at proximate individuals (ie Rudy Giuliani). Certain psychological responses of a person undergoing this phase would be: "Why me? It's not fair!"; “Bullsh1t impeachment process”; "How can this happen to me?"; "Who is to blame?"; "Why would this happen?".

    Bargaining – The third stage involves the hope that the individual can avoid a cause of impeachment. Usually, the negotiation for an extended presidential term is made in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. People facing less serious charges can bargain or seek compromise. Examples include the impeached party who "negotiates with the government" to bargain for more time to serve in the office of POTUS for a reformed lifestyle.

    Depression – "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to be impeached soon, so what's the point?"; "I miss my Mar-a-Lago; why go on?"
    During the fourth stage, the individual despairs at the recognition of their failure as president. In this state, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time mournful and sullen.

    Acceptance – "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it; I may as well prepare for it."
    In this last stage, individuals embrace impeachment or inevitable resignation. People being impeached may precede their supporters in this state, which typically comes with a calm, retrospective view for the individual, and a stable condition of emotions.

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