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    Re: Soccer Champs Archived Message

    Posted by Open Minded on July 8, 2019, 11:13 am, in reply to "Soccer Champs"

    Come on, aren't you being a little dramatic? It is unfortunate that the flag was dropped during the excitement of the moment, another player quickly rushed in and picked it up, no one "stomped" on it and there was no intention to disrespect America.

    These women you call "trashy" and "skanks" just won the friggin World Cup FOR America.

    Nobodies next week? Maybe in your world. They are having a well deserved parade in New York, you'll start to see them on various talk shows and their quest for equal pay will keep them in the news. They earn 18 cents on the dollar compared to male soccer players.

    Just because you don't support Trump in no way makes you anti-American. In my view, it makes you an even better American.

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