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    Re: well Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on April 26, 2019, 8:51 am, in reply to "Re: well"

    It depends on what you mean by 'taking away'.

    If it's what they earned, I am not for it.

    If it is asking for them to pay their fair share, I am for it.

    So this little town annexes all this farmland (this one is not close to Granite City).... they are located near to the Interstate.

    They offer ridiculous tax incentives for them to come to town....and write off infrastructure fees... All the FREEBIES this government entity can give them, will somehow be offset by the increased economic activity.

    The warehouse owner now sets up shop...and all these intermodal trucks clog up the roads and they go through other towns to take shortcuts around the congestion on the interstate.

    The Warehouses themselves, contribute nothing to the community and no investment in the workers either..... they hire temp agencies... so in this community, there are no jobs with a future...

    This community has nothing to offer but temp jobs and they are stuck with the bill....and damage has been done to neighboring communities.

    This is a REAL hypothetical.

    This escapes everyone's notice.

    This is not class envy. I don't give a damn if the owners are wealthy or not.

    How much of it was EARNED by taking an entrepreneurial risk??

    How much of it was ill-gotten, cutting corners and taking from communities?

    Yet -- as long people like Trump, Sean Insanity and this cadre of charlatans keeps America dumb and willfully ignorant - people will actually work against their better interests. They are like the drug that keeps the pain levels down....while you're being cleaned out, blame the people trying to help you. What a brilliant plan!

    So, far better to blame the lady or gentleman who goes into Aldi who receives government assistance than to go to the real source of the problem.

    I have no problem with billionaires --- I have a problem with thieves... and many billionaires are masterful in the art of legal thievery.

    Yet, we know where the conservative biased Mainstream Media focuses its attention --- blame the 'thugs' and the 'welfare' rats for the crumbs that they take out the front door ---- but ignore the other guy with the wheelbarrow filled with gold bars going out the back door.

    That's about where we're at....and with Trump... the thievery was allowed to accelerate at a record pace.

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