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    On Obits/Keith Biggs Archived Message

    Posted by GLW on May 19, 2018, 4:53 am

    Good Morning All:

    I do rise early just to give my wife's 4:00 AM medication to her...and this has just been done and now I will get on with this post.

    I do see that Keith Biggs is on FaceBook and now living in the state of Florida...and I am happy to see Keith doing so well. We are both from Pontoon Beach and knew each other from younger days,

    But,I read a post that makes me believe that Keith had just passed on to a better life...and if this is true...and anyone knows of Keith or his sister Joyce Biggs or any of the other sisters to Keith...do have one of the sisters get in touch with me by emailing me at time4u1@sbcglobal.net (all lower case keys)and let them know that an old friend is inquiring about them.

    Thanks to all,

    Gregg WEEKS
    2708 Edwards St.
    still living
    in the city

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