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    Ives for governor Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on January 30, 2018, 4:10 pm, in reply to "Biss for governor"

    I hear that Ives really put Bruce Rauner on the defensive when the candidates met before the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board.

    I really have no desire to support Ives and would not vote for her. I think Rauner would be way more moderate.... All the same, I am happy someone has Rauner on the defensive and not just the Democrats.

    If only more people knew how fake that Carhartt Facade really were!

    Biss and Kennedy also need to put Pritzker on the defensive.

    It would just be great to think that Billionaire vs. Billionaire is not a 'done deal'.

    There is also no leading challenger from 'downstate' as the Chicagoans like to call anything from about Dwight to Cairo.

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