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    No Justice No Balls Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on December 8, 2017, 9:47 pm

    Well, there will be no death penalty in the case of the POS who killed Officer Blake Snyder last year. Bob McCullough has no guts and is bowing to some kind of pressure.

    We have Snyder's partner who was shot multiple times and knows this POS is guilty. We have his confession. We have comments on his FB page where he says he "wants to kill a cop". Yet, in our new society of liberal justice, we're going to feed this guy for the rest of his life while Snyder's little boy grows up without a dad.

    Congratulations liberals. The Pu$$ification of America is complete. When we can allow a cop killer to live, we just declared open season on cops in the state of Missouri. Well done Mr. Prosecutor. You should be very proud. I hope the picture of Elizabeth and her son haunts you until the day you die.

    This murderer was a white punk. I wonder if McCullough would have let him off the hook if the kid was black. I wonder if Snyder's wounded partner would have blown this POS away if we would have riots in the street.

    Sorry America, we lost again.

    Three cheers to the House for passing the reciprocal CCW. Now if the Senate grows a pair we can carry our weapons across state lines anywhere in the country and protect ourselves from animals like this kid was.

    Message Thread:

    • No Justice No Balls - Opie2 December 8, 2017, 9:47 pm