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    Re: Illinois Debt Archived Message

    Posted by Invictus on July 7, 2017, 5:32 pm, in reply to "Illinois Debt"

    I agree with you 100%, Opie. The amount of texting on the roadways seems to be increasing as opposed to diminishing. When you see a swerving vehicle on the roadway, you can almost guarantee that the driver is texting. The subject of a text cannot be more important than a human life. I do have a pet peeve speaking of streets and parking lots. It is the idiots who throw their cigarette butts out the window onto the pavement and the curbs. Do they think that litter is going to vanish overnight? No, the smoker doesn't care that the cigarette butt then becomes someone else's problem. The result: a trashy community, clogs in the sewer system, and a mess. I know the trash cigarette butt is not the same as the dangerous condition of texting while driving, but can still be corrected if the smoker would just take care of his or her own waste.

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