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    Re: See Ya! Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on May 31, 2017, 11:12 am, in reply to "See Ya!"

    There are no longer "news sources" in our country. Our networks have become nothing more than propaganda spewing talking heads. The days of Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, etc... are gone.

    CNN and their group bashes Trump daily. The Washington Post, a one time great paper, now puts out stories from anonymous sources only to point out four paragraphs later that "there is no proof at this time".

    Hollywood has gone crazy which explains the lack of quality in movies these days. Comedians using the cut off head of this President are allowed to spew their venom with no control from the media who at one time would not have given her audience.

    I'll admit that FOX is just as guilty. Hannity bashed Obama on a daily basis with some facts and some innuendo. We're better off as a society to watch our politicians closely and to vote our hearts and minds as opposed to having them swayed by a bunch of overpaid idiots on the boob box.

    It's hard to believe these people even get sponsors.

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