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    Dear Mr. President Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on February 12, 2017, 10:29 am

    Do not become distracted from the goals you set during the campaign. It is clear that there is a structured effort by the left to use obstructionist tactics at various levels to distract your administration.

    You're falling for it!

    Stop responding with childish tweets and worrying about non-issues. Instruct your spokespersons to refrain from responding to personal insults and attacks (and don't consider the SNL skits personal. They're humorous even for your supporters)

    Your job is to increase the safety of Americans. Rethink executive order using the ruling of the liberal 9th district court against them. They actually gave you the road map to get this done without creating a legal challenge. Drop back and punt and you'll still get what you want.

    Bring jobs here. When people are working and taking care of their families, they will be much more confident in world order. Your first week you had labor leaders in the oval office patting you on the back for your efforts. Listen to them. They are the pulse of America's heartbeat.

    You inherited a weakened military from the weakest foreign policy President in history. Rebuild that military and let leaders in N. Korea and Iran know that they do not have the power that this country does.

    Protests are going to continue. When they are peaceful, listen but do not respond. When they turn violent, back the police departments to unleash their might on these vandals. When someone in your cabinet is blocked from doing their job as was the case with Ms. DeVoss on Friday when she tried to enter a school, use that against those protesters.

    You are not going to be the most popular President in history. You can not be distracted or worried about such ratings. The people of this country want to be safe and they want and need jobs. Get it done and stop playing the game they want you to play.

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