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    Re: A reminder of Hillary's lies Archived Message

    Posted by Rootsniners on November 1, 2016, 1:08 pm, in reply to "A reminder of Hillary's lies"

    Can someone with a half of brain, please explain to the Democratic nominee for POTUS what the hell is going on here? She is so lost in herself she just doesn’t seem to have a clue what’s happening here. The re-opening of the FBI investigation is not about affecting the outcome of the election, albeit I will admit it is certainly a distraction for her and the campaign. Does she not realize she committed a very serious crime when she allowed classified material to be on a personal device/server that was not protected and monitored by the Federal Government (these are not accusations, but proven facts)? Just because the FBI did not bring charges the first go around does not excuse or dismiss the fact that these e-mails still existed on a private server. That’s a crime in this country and in all other cases where this has happened the convicted are serving serious time in a federal prison for treason. There are times during any investigations where charges are never brought forward, drop, acquittals are provided due to shanty police work, lack of evidence, or personal rights violations, however that being said, it still does not dismiss the facts that a crime was committed. In this case, and IMO it appears that the political pressure placed upon the director by the Democrats to look the other way has truly backfired on her. The facts are the facts as brought forth by the FBI. FACT, this woman is clearly guilty of the mishandling of classified material while Secretary of State, FACT, destruction of personal property (e-mails) to delay/avoid persecution, and FACT, lying to the Congress and the FBI while under oath. Again, just because there were no charges brought forth does not dismiss the fact that these crime were committed. I personally think that the FBI, specifically the Director had a deep conversation within himself and ethically/morally could no longer live with the fact that those before her who commit the same crime are locked up and he wanted to right this un-justice. Luckily for him, the newest discovery of additional e-mails on one of her closet Aides spouse laptop has provided the additional evidence he needed to re-open the investigation. I commend him for finally pushing back against the political machine and taking a moral stand in the re-opening of this investigation. The fact is, there was a crime committed and the law is the law and no one, not even a well-known, connected presidential candidate is above it. IMO, she should also be disqualified to run for the office of POTUS until this matter is completely resolved. She is the single focus of an open/active federal investigation for some serious national security violations. In anyone’s universe how is that not grounds for disqualification of the most powerful position on this earth? These are not some phony trumped up (no pun intended) accusations that are being thrown around, these are the facts as investigated by the FBI and some very serious crimes that could ultimately affect the security of this nation. This isn’t petty theft or bouncing a check folks! Curious to hear others thoughts?

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