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    When??????? Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on July 14, 2016, 9:45 pm

    France is once again the victim of a terror attack. This shortly after our FBI director announced that the U.S is still under eminent threat of another attack on home soil.

    It is time to stop pussy footing around. It's time for our pacifist commander in chief to join lead and not follow and go after ISIS with everything we have. We need to bomb any country or city that houses and trains terrorist. Yes, there will be innocent casualties. There were in France.

    We need to tighten our borders and currently shut down any immigration from countries that practice sharia law. We need to monitor potential terrorist and deport our confine them.

    If you don't think we are in potential danger then your are blind, foolish or both. It's coming. It's a matter of when. We can not count on protection while a President who refuses to acknowledge an enemy worries about global warming as the number one threat to America.

    God help this country if we get four more years of cowardice.

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