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    I am the township rat and read what I know Archived Message

    Posted by Township Rat on January 20, 2015, 3:29 pm

    Looky here will ya? The most important part of this new resolution is Section 5.

    Any ordinances or resolutions or any portions thereof in conflict with this resolution are hereby repealed.

    Looks like Mr. Township Attorney trying to be sneaky while pulling his dollars from our taxes.

    If this new resolution is voted in by the trustees one of them being the Pontoon Chief of Police, it will repeal any earlier resolution where it is stated who is and isn't eligble for coverage or family coverage.

    Like maybe a part time employee isnt eligible for family coverage. But say maybe all of a sudden they become full time at least on paper in order to cover up the fact that they have been having the township pay for family coverage or straight out for a spouses separate policy long before the new resolution was voted in.

    I wonder who that might be. Maybe TWO employees were doing it and ONLY ONE was made to pay back all the premiums?

    Could this be considered stealing from the taxpayers?

    I guess it depends on if it could be proven with cancelled checks to the insurance company. That's if that is how the premiums for this particular family coverage was paid for.

    Maybe the coverage was paid for by money orders from money pulled out of the general assistance fund? But who would do that?

    And how high could the premiums go if one of these employees had a spouse with a very serious medical condition?

    What township trustee would put their reputation on the line to approve something so underhanded or possibly illegal?

    How many hours do you have to work to receive this exceptional healthcare benefit?

    I don't see it in this resolution, does anyone else? All I see is seventy five percent of these premiums being paid for by me and you.

    And I see lots of wide open spaces in this resolution to cover any and all previous wrong doings by people who might be stealing insurance on our dime.

    I also see a big fat opening to hire someone to work five hours a week and it would make them eligible for insurance at a premium price.

    Is everyone else okay with this shit. I'm not.

    Please tell me you get what's going on?

    The Rat

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