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    Please Vote Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on November 2, 2014, 3:33 pm

    I know it gets discouraging and some folks feel it's a waste of time but please vote.

    See the politicians know that too. They slam their opponents, promise us the moon and basically lie through their teeth. They count on a large block of voters who are apathetic and simply will give in. That won't stop them folks.

    I will be voting a split ballot. No way in this or any other world I can vote for a guy with failed programs like Quinn but I'm not big on his opponent either.

    I do plan on voting against some of the good old boys in Madison County. I'll vote Prenzler just because he got rid of Bathon for us.

    No sense in preaching the old story about how men die for our freedom to afford us a vote. Quite simply you're either involved or you're not. And I won't say if you don't vote, don't gripe because you will.

    I'll just say it's your right to vote or not to vote. You're part of the solution or you're part of the problem. Pretty simple.

    Message Thread:

    • Please Vote - Opie2 November 2, 2014, 3:33 pm