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    Re: Does this remind you of anyone??? Archived Message

    Posted by Speaking Out on October 29, 2014, 3:18 am, in reply to "Re: Does this remind you of anyone???"

    Charlie, you sound like me. I was a Halloween die hard. It has always been one of my favorite holidays. Year after year we would move the fire pit off of the patio in the back yard and have a warm fire going in the front yard. 3 Years ago we maybe had 8 to 10 kids. Then the next year we had 2 and last Halloween it was me and my husband out in the front yard again with a warm comfy fire, and a bowl of Snickers and Hershey Bars and Peanut Butter Cups. We didn't have one single kid come by. I don't think I need to tell you what happened to all that candy either.

    This year, I won't even turn on the porch light and bother. The Trunk & Treats are a great idea for the kids, but it sure puts the hurts on the Halloween spirit at our house.

    I too think of Operator, especially on Halloween! I loved his spirit of not giving a hoot where the kids ringing his doorbell came from. All kids were welcome to trick or treat at his house and he got a kick out of it, knowing it ruffled the feathers of a few in the neighborhood. I miss him too and hope Mrs Operator & family are all doing well.

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