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    Re: Moral Monday? Archived Message

    Posted by Hard Core on October 13, 2014, 6:30 pm, in reply to "Re: Moral Monday?"

    I'm so tired of this BS going on across the river, how they have tied the hands of this police force. This morning I watched footage from over night showing police being pulled and shoved and spit at. I watched some man towering over a cop and screaming in his face and in his ears all while the cop turned the other cheek to try to walk away. They actually grabbed this cop to try to prevent him from walking away.

    It was at that point I would have loved to see this cop pull out his weapon and plant a bullet right between the eyes of the men who were laying their hands on him. They powers that be have made these people even more bold knowing that they have told the PD to back off and tolerate this non sense. If this were white people looting and vandalizing businesses and disrupting traffic and threatening police officers and even being as bold to shove and grab and lay their hands on the police, there white asses would be arrested and drug off! I'm with you Op, I would love to see every cop turn their backs and walk off and away from this mess. The problem would correct itself before sunrise by them burning the entire town down. There wouldn't be a bottle of liquor or a hair extension safe for miles!

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