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    Re: Too Bad Obama Didn't Have This Economics Prof. Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on July 6, 2014, 9:35 pm, in reply to "Re: Too Bad Obama Didn't Have This Economics Prof."

    That's not the Democrat's way Spruce. You didn't see John Kennedy or even Bill Clinton giving away the store. They wanted equal opportunity for all races and sexes but they didn't want to take from others to provide for the lame.

    Obama and his gang aren't true democrats. They are socialists wearing democratic head gear. The current democratic party realizes if you give enough "F" people an easy way out, they will take it. They will suck the nipple of welfare like a child at his mothers' breast. They don't care about having an equal break. They want to sit home, make babies, buy drugs, send their kids to someone else to care for. Those people didn't exist in this country during the Kennedy administration.

    This current party is enslaving through ignorance and poverty a whole new generation of welfare rats who will continue to vote for whoever promises them the most for the least. They're a lazy rabble and they come in all colors, sexes, sizes and shapes. They're the blood sucking leeches who won't find a job paying a modest wage. They want guys like Metal and I to pay their health care, subsidize their housing and provide meals at schools for their kids.

    I remember when my kids were in school they talked about a particular friend of theirs who wouldn't sign up for free lunch. His mother was too proud to take advantage so he took a dried out cheese sandwich to school for lunch most days.

    I got a friend of mine to give that young man a job in his company as a junior in high school. Today, he is a ranking officer in the company and making upwards of $80,000 a year. I wonder where he would have been had mom not taught him he had to take no more than she could provide but could be proud that he needed no one to succeed.

    Keep giving away the store and when the shelves are empty we'll see what happens. God bless the USA and God save us from the socialists who don't get it.

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