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    Are Teacher Unions Really Dying Out? Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on June 14, 2014, 9:15 pm


    Seems there are more and more rulings against teacher unions and antiquated practices like tenure. I never was a big proponent of tenure laws. I mean what other career offers such protection.

    That being said though the assault on public education is really getting ridiculous. It's become a favorite bargaining toy of politicians who think they know more about education than professional educators.

    All this BS about test scores these days. Do you realize that since the beginning of formalized education in our country that 1+1 has always equaled 2? Do you know that our entire vocabulary is formed out of the same alphabet that was on the board when I was in school?

    See, education ad success hasn't changed. When I was a kid there was no such BS as "No Child Left Behind" or standardized test. We learned, we improved and we graduated and went on to school.

    My kids have done the same. Their success was brought on by the same teaching methods that I learned and at our house, education was a priority.

    That's where the change is folks. Wash outs having kids and placing no effort or priority on the education of those children. We're becoming a two class system not because of education and teachers but because of a lack of drive by parents and kids.

    Are there bad teachers who would be better served washing cars or digging ditches? Yes! They give the profession a bad name and should not be protected by such a ridiculous law as tenure.

    You don't have to agree with me of course. Just write out your response using the letters and words that were taught to you by a teacher.

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