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    Madison County Veteran's Party Archived Message

    Posted by elcooksta on June 4, 2014, 7:18 am

    Effective last night, I am the Chairman of the Veteran's Party of Illinois in Madison County (Madison County Chair).

    This is an exciting adventure for me, because now I am in a position to "do something about it."

    Does the Veterans Party line up with my views perfectly? Nope. But that's just that, those are MY views.

    The views of the Veteran's Party, is that the will of the people be enforced.

    Over the coming days, I will be posting as the Chairman of Madison County, and I urge you all to give the page a like (especially if you live in MadCo), and jump in on conversations.

    The Veteran's Party is not limited to Veteran's, but all people who want to make a difference.

    So, please head on over to the attached page, give it a like, and let's work together to fix this county, state, and country.

    [url=https://www.facebook.com/pages/Veterans-Party-of-Madison-County/234403923416361]Madison County Veteran's Party Page

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