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    Re: Omitting the truth is still lying. Archived Message

    Posted by Kreher on May 19, 2014, 12:25 pm, in reply to "Omitting the truth is still lying."

    Wow for a minutes there I was speechless!!

    You got me I didn't want anyone to know the truth!!!! Get real would you.

    Let me take the time to play your game and answer your questions..

    I did ask you to check your facts because what you posted was 100% false. I did not feel the need to explain further because you and everyone else that follow these post on regular basis knows my mother in law worked there. It was brought out during the election, by you I believe but I could be mistaken.

    As far as who worked there first. My mother in law did, I did not know her prior to starting in 2003 and I met her daughter while working there and we got married in 2006. So absolutely no " preferred employment " as you claim.

    Now That I have wasted 5 minutes of my lunch explaining myself to you, why don't you grow a pair quit being a coward and voice your gossip under you real name. If I can clear up any more of your bullshit information you are speaking please let me know.

    Thank you.
    Terry Kreher

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