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    Re: Sandy Sides where are you? Archived Message

    Posted by Sandy S on April 25, 2014, 10:44 am, in reply to "Sandy Sides where are you?"

    I am here.....I can hardly wait until May 11th.....turning 80 YEAH.Been doing just fine, some aches and pains, however that goes with the age sometimes. My granddaughter is getting married on June 14, which is also my daughter Pam's 58th birthday! Busy day that day. She is marring
    a young man whose family has a large ranch just over the Nevada boarder and it will be held there....IN THEIR BIG BARN, WHAT A HOOT!
    I guess it is so big, and a great place to hold it, I will take pictures! Then Bettyann, on the 17th we leave with a couple we have know for years. They have no children, and have been all over the world,,,,,SOoo we are going on a Viking Cruise ship and know it will be fun. However, I am afraid of water, cannot swim, and ask my friend that "By any chance if we are invited to dine with the captain, CAN I WEAR MY LIFE JACKET AND FINS JUST IN CASE SOMETHING HAPPENDS....HAHA SHE SAID "NO SANDY" that trip will be 10 days, fly into Paris, fly to another town and they take us to our ship. On our return trip, stay in Paris 3 days, use the "chunnel" however you say it going under water to London. Hope I can hold my breath that long, from London flying to Scotland, friends,in Edinburgh, for 3 days...whew I am tired already. Anyway,will let you all know when we get back home!
    I took French in Jr High School, High School, and 1 year of College. All I can remember is OUI Oui!!! That will probably get me into some trouble. ADIOS, SANDY S X0X0X0X0

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