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    Re: MA High Court Ruled....... Archived Message

    Posted by bob on March 6, 2014, 10:17 pm, in reply to "MA High Court Ruled......."

    “We conclude that (the law), as written, as the defendant suggests, is concerned with proscribing Peeping Tom voyeurism of people who are completely or partially undressed and, in particular, such voyeurism enhanced by electronic devices. (The law) does not apply to photographing (or videotaping or electronically surveilling) persons who are fully clothed and, in particular, does not reach the type of upskirting that the defendant is charged with attempting to accomplish on the MBTA,” read the decision.
    To me that reads that if a gal wants to "let it hang out", you can't take an "upskirt" picture of her, but if she wants to be covered up, you can. Crazy.

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