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    Let's Keep It Going Archived Message

    Posted by opinionated on July 17, 2013, 8:25 pm

    Some interesting posts today so let's keep it going and get good old GCG heated up again.

    I spent about three and a half hours today on my neighbor's patio with his wife and Mrs. O. His wife was upset with the school board because their daughter who would have been an 8th grader at Grigsby this year will now be an 8th grader at Coolidge. She of course blamed the school board.

    So a long discussion followed with me pointing out some of the obvious.

    First, I asked her if the daughter was getting a good education did it really matter what building she was in. Afterall, it will be a similar if not identical curriculum. Her friends from Grigsby will be there. She won't know the teachers but might not have known the Grigsby teachers either. It all came down to her worrying about the daughter's social issues instead of her educational issues.

    She then began discussing the current finance probblems. Okay, the district is by all reports in the economical dumpster. Now, is that the fault of the local school board and employees or other forces? I pointed out that numerous districts were in trouble and actually laying off more staff, cutting more programs and slashing more costs than GCSD. I pointed out that the state owes most of those districts money, so who is at fault?

    We then discussed, "why is it the same people always hold these offices"? Good question. Easy answer. It's because in most elections people don't get off their butts to run or to even vote. I pointed out to her that in small communities such as ours becoming an elected official isn't about issues but about popularity. I mean let's face it. When is the last time you voted for an alderman or school board member based on "platform"? Most don't. It's who we know. It's who will hire our kid. It's who we had as a teacher.

    Issues? REally? Let's see, the standard platform for school candidates. " I want to see our children have the best chance to excel educationally." Or, " I feel we can do better for our children". Oh, blow it out your a$$.

    Or how about those aldermen who say, " we need to spend our money more wisely". We need to improve streets and the quality of life". Give it a rest folks.

    Most run to get involved or help their friends and family find a job. I've said this for years on here that everyone of us if elected would play the political patronage game. Change the people in the seats if you will. You just end up changing the people hired.

    Finally the neighbor, admittedly irritated with me by now, asked me, " why do you stay here and why don't you run". My answer is always the same. This is home and I love my town. And as for the second because I'm too smart to take abuse from constituents like her."

    Note to self. Do not go to neighbor's house for a while unless you see the female leave.

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