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    When Rand Paul speaks, people listen Archived Message

    Posted by whisker on March 28, 2013, 11:14 am

    Rand Paul took heat from media critics for filibustering the Senate to try to get the Obama Administration to denounce using drones to kill US citizens who weren’t posing an imminent threat. But it appears that his talk made Americans really think about that issue for the first time. A new Washington Post poll found that when voters were asked if they favored using drones to kill American terrorism suspects living in other countries, 52 percent opposed it and only 41 percent approved. As for killing Americans on American soil, a whopping 79 percent disapprove. And credit Rand Paul for creating real change: the Post asked the same question a year ago, and Americans approved drone killings by 65 to 26 percent. That’s a 50-point swing from approval to disapproval. When Paul stood on the Senate floor and talked about Constitutional rights for 13 straight hours, apparently, a lot of people were actually listening.

    Message Thread:

    • When Rand Paul speaks, people listen - whisker March 28, 2013, 11:14 am