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    Re: For Operator Archived Message

    Posted by operator on March 23, 2013, 11:45 am, in reply to "For Operator"

    Opi, you are a swell guy, thanks to you as well as others who have commented, since some already know, I figure I might as well let the rest of my fellow gossipers know as well. I have three lypmh glands on the left side of my neck that have magically appeared and they have to be cut out and tested. There have always been some who would have liked to cut my throat, but sorry I'm having a doctor/surgeon do it instead. I appreciate the good thoughts/wishes/and prayers that has been sent and will be sent. If opi and I had opened a donut store earlier, I'd be looking forward to some sour cream donuts, my favorite,OH, yes you can take that as a hint, when I return back home.

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