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    Re: Face Book Page Archived Message

    Posted by Opinionated on March 21, 2013, 8:26 pm, in reply to "Face Book Page"

    Hey my friend, first best wishes to you. I got you covered with the man upstairs.

    Now for the endorsements. As I said I never put too much stock in the endorsements of unions who work for those they endorse.

    In this case the union has endorsed the mother of their President. All together now, "JOKE".

    I also posted a comment made by another friend who said that mr. Knogl is pointing out all the relatives of the current board. Mr. Knogl, if it's bad for them why is it good for you. Can you say "hypocrite"? I knew you could. Mr. Knogl also fails to mention that his other endorsements also have relatives in the district. That pretty much washes the credibility of the union endorsement.

    I'm told that over half of the district employees, at least the teachers live outside our town. That means they don't vote here.

    I think any union endorsing those who control their paycheck is not a good idea. If I were the union I would sit it out. As for the endorsement of Mother Knogle? She may be a great lady. She may have been a great educator. She may be very knowledgeable about finances. She may be another vote for the union. No Vote.

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