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    KanyeWest to name baby girl!!!! Archived Message

    Posted by Sandy S on March 20, 2013, 8:37 pm

    I just read that Kanye wanted to "honor his family" not Kim's by naming their baby NORTH WEST....It's like the airline to an extent. Apparently Kim and her mother are already trying to made it a trademark! Blue Ivy's mom WANTED to do that but could not. Because I believe there is already a clothing line by that name, I just do not understand why you want to make MONEY OFF YOUR CHILD.

    Oh well, thank gosh my kids are Pam, Jamie, Kerry.!!!! However when I was 11 and my baby sister was borm she was named DONNA SUE SIDES!! The boys in school called her 'DONNA SUICIDE" SIDES. Came home crying. In a church camp I went to in Arrowhead Lake, my name was SANDY SIDES, some boys who thought they were funny started calling me 'MUDDY BOTTOM AKA SANDY SIDES. The counselors didn't think it was funny, neither, did I. Funny now, but not then. Also boys in grade school wuld call me by my middle name Darlene TO DARLING!!! I would come home crying they called me darling, Mom
    said Sandy, someday you will love that!!! haha

    Sandy S

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