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    Time to do some learning? Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on September 11, 2011, 9:35 pm

    You're not going to learn from me.

    This is not about being enlightened about Dee-ism...although it's available 24/7 free of charge...all you have to do is ask and I'd gladly fill anyone's cup.

    All joking aside...I did find this learning portal on the internet, where some very advanced, undergraduate level lessons are given.

    I think this site could be very useful, personally.

    I use a lot more writing skills and also people skills to make sure that I can afford to make Dee-ism present to you.

    I am weak at Math, for example. There are things about math and science that intrigue me greatly. I am not disinterested in those fields.

    Social Studies and language may be my strong points, and I have a deeper interest in Psychology and Anthropology...the former more than the latter.

    However, even if I am weak at math and science..I am not disinterested.

    I think a site like this one is good for those areas in which I likely won't try to enter a career field and would not pay to take a class.

    I think I have the education I need for now...but the thing about a site like this is that I will have the chance to continue learning...and from videos linked to YouTube at that.

    So for what it's worth....Here's a link to the Khan Academy....

    Check it out for yourself.. The Khan Academy

    If you want to learn something about Calculus, Biology, or Civics... there are some learning videos available.

    It does not replace going to class or buying the book by any means...but there are some opportunities to learn.

    I wish there was a section for English and language grammar.

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