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    Re: BND Atricle Archived Message

    Posted by Dreamcatcher on May 26, 2011, 11:08 am, in reply to "BND Atricle"

    Parents have always been responsible for their children to the age of 18!
    Kids can be little rebels, but it's parents who need to teach their kids right from wrong and know were their child is at all times.

    Alot of parents let their children run the streets. Then when something goes wrong, parents will be out their, My kid did no wrong! Really? give me a break. I have seen this scenario numerous times down the street from me.

    Word of advice, if you don't want your child getting in trouble, hang out with them more. Go for walks,park get them in sports. Know who your childs friends are. There are ways of keeping them in line. All be damned if anyone tells me i can't spank my kids when they do something wrong. I brought them into this world, i'll take'em out. (not that i ever would, but i like saying it.) lol That's why they don't act up often cause they know what will happen.

    For me, i've learned what works best for each child as a punishment.
    My daughter hates writing sentences. My oldest son i take away his t.v and video games. My 2 year old hates time out. lol You just have to find what the child don't like and threaten them with it.

    Although, my kids are under 10 and i know teenagers are alot worse. (i was one) lol All kids want is attention. Rather it be positive/negative. Go out and be a good role model for our future generation.

    Message Thread:

    • BND Atricle - wc jont May 26, 2011, 8:36 am
      • Re: BND Atricle - Dreamcatcher May 26, 2011, 11:08 am