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    Re: Riddle Archived Message

    Posted by sandy on May 11, 2011, 4:21 pm, in reply to "Re: Riddle"

    Nope Just him he can always do that to me lol. I do not post often at all compared to what I use to and Him and a few others are the reason why. I used to post daily here before you came and everytime I posted someone took what I said and twisted it around. If my post yesterday woulda been the sky is blue I woulda had a link showing me I was wrong. If someone posts a riddle WHY on earth would someone just Google it? If your gonna do that why even read it, I just thought it was cute so i posted it. Ty speaking and Steph, he didnt get under my skin just reading his name can do that to me. Yes he used to be really cool and hope nothing serious has happened that made him change. Maybe it would simply be nice to just post ONCE and not have something smartass said. Anyway whats our weather look like Norad?

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