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    Michael Devlin Shanked in Prison Archived Message

    Posted by tris on May 10, 2011, 9:46 pm


    FOX 2 News broke the story Tuesday evening: The man who kidnapped, held, and sexually abused two Missouri boys has been attacked in prison. Michael Devlin was “shanked” or stabbed with a makeshift knife by another prisoner at the Crossroads Correctional Center in Cameron, Missouri. The attack happened April 9th, but just became public Tuesday night. Devlin suffered what Department of Corrections Officials call “superficial wounds” and has resumed his normal daily routine in prison.

    Devlin, an Imo’s pizza store manager in Kirkwood, was captured in January, 2007 after kidnapping 13 year old Ben Ownby four days earlier. When police arrived Devlin’s apartment, they were in for the shock of their lives, finding Shawn Hornbeck, who had been missing for more than four years after being kidnapped at age 11 from his home in Richwoods, Missouri. The case came to be known as the “Missouri Miracle.”

    Apparently inmates need better aim.

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