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    Re: youth inspires change - young people do great things. Archived Message

    Posted by metalhedz on January 31, 2011, 5:50 pm, in reply to "youth inspires change - young people do great things."

    it will be the youth that motivates and brings about change

    This what my generation thought in the 70's... It was easy to demand change, mount protests and say "we want, we want, we want....." But when it came to becoming educated and experienced enough to enact the change we also learned the consequences of some of the changes we "wanted" were not what we bargained for. For all the things you say this generation wants there is a price tag... Is this generation going to still want these things when they are the ones paying 70% tax rates? Our generation is moral enough to say that the spending has to stop, because we don't want to pass this debt on to our children, is this generation going to be the same? Or are they going to be willing to enslave the future as long as they get what they want? As a self proclaimed socialist are you willing to bring about the change that causes this country to collapse as the Soviet Union did just so you can have what you want now? I do agree that our military budget can be cut in a lot of ways that would have no detrimental effect on our troops or our necessary defense, but I would not go as far as to call it a primary target, Government as a whole needs to be the primary target.

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