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    Re: December Homepage Archived Message

    Posted by Opinionated on December 1, 2010, 4:37 pm, in reply to "Re: December Homepage"

    Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow posters, distinguised site administrators and members of the academy; It is with a humble and appreciative heart that I gladly accept my third consectutive Boxing Stocking.

    This year it is indeed an honor and a privelege to have my friend Metal join me in the pictoral assault on Liberal. If there is one person on here I would want covering my back during a battle, it would be Metal.

    And to Lib, I thank you for a year of battling and fighting for your beliefs (no matter how wrong you were). There were many worthy opponents for me this year but you certainly deserved the honor.

    I am sure there have been numerous times when the site administrators say to themselves, " We should really can this opinionated guy". Instead, they give me enough rope to hang myself three times over and to stir the pot a little bit while preaching my never ending message of God, Family and Country. While I'm not the most articulate poster on here I'm sure they often chuckle at my hard nosed approach to verbal battle. I thank them for their patience and the opportunity they have provided.

    I thank those of you who have supported my rants about supporting our military and defending our country. Your words of encouragement on the open site or through your PM's keep me going back to the front lines. I thank Granny and Sandy for being the peacekeepers here for all of us.

    I thank the "little people" who argue with me and even though they know they are wrong, continue to do so on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Merry Christmas Lisa, Living in Granite and most recently Nordo. Without you I would have no platform to defend.

    Finally to my wife who tolerates the countless time I spend on here, who shares laughs with me when she knows I am torturing my opposition, I say thank you Mrs. O. You are the greatest.

    May this holiday season bring you and your families health, happiness and all the things you need in your life. I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.

    Let's hope and pray that 2011 is a better year for our nation than the one we close out and may we all pray for those men and women of the military who will spend another holiday away from their loved ones.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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