I didn't say anything about rigged.
I am a little concerned about how you're reacting to him. I mean, you are obviously intelligent enough to know that Trump, nor any other American could ever rise to the level of a dictator. Only blithering idiots like the ladies on the View would buy that nonsense.
The economy goes in cycles so my guess is we will see some lowered prices and maybe even interest rates. We'll definitely see some spikes and falls in the market.
As for the border, I hope he shuts it down and I hope fat boys like Pritzker try to stop him. Now you, in your not TDS mind, know Trump will never deport little kids and working mommies and daddies. I would hope you go along with him deporting the animals who, while here illegally have murdered people, raped women and terrorized others. I'm sure you agree.
So hang in there Dee. It's going to be okay. You might even make a few bucks on the market this year or be able to sell a piece of realty for more than it's worth.
Happy New Year and Ring in January 20th.
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