Posted by opinionated on December 27, 2024, 10:53 am
My golf group, now reduced to a breakfast club, got together today and surprisingly, talked about the election.
For the last eight weeks, the democrats are pointing fingers at leadership, wondering how so much money was spent for nothing, figuring out why endorsements by Oprah and Queen Latifah fell on deaf ears and most importantly how they let Trump outsmart them.
One conclusion.
Arguably, Barack Obama was the most intelligent, articulate and likeable democratic President since JFK. I mean while I think he did as much to divide the country as anyone, he was still able to pull off two victories all be it over lame opponents. In short, he was the man for the ages.
Then comes Hillary. One of the most abrasive, egotistical women to ever be involved at such a high level. She took for granted that being a woman, having good old Bill behind her and even a very late head nod from Barack would put her in office. Big mistake. Huge!
Out of the closet comes dusty Joe. They prop him up and convince him that Obama can help him beat Trump and they together can bring the party back to life. It worked for a little while. Joe did what he was told, smiled nicely, sniffed babies and acted Presidential. But then, the worst debate performance since the famous, "Senator, you are no John Kennedy" debate.
Oh oh, we're in trouble says Nancy and Chuck. Whatever can we do Barack?
Well, says Barack, we can't hide him any longer. People know that Joe is in early stages of dementia.
"But Mr. President, it's too late to run a primary. Do you think we can put Kamala in and actually pull it off'.
"Yeah, with the right coaching and her sorority girl personality, plus Trump's legal baggage, we can get her in and pull her strings."
So less than 100 days before the election, they trot in Kamala. She gets the usual boost from the convention and the fact she's a black female. The money rolled in like a tidal wave. Looked good on paper. Even the polls gave them hope.
But then, those interviews. " I can't think of anything I would do differently". OMG, more trouble.
Then, some lunatic takes a shot at Trump and all the sudden people feel sorry for him.
Election day started with promise. Kamala was all smiles but when you looked at the faces on some of her team and democrats in congress, you knew the writing was on the wall.
So, here's the bottom line. Democrats can't re-incarnate Barack Obama. He's done and for all practical purposes, this loss reflects on him as well as Kamala.
The democrats must start looking for a JFK style democrat so some of the people who felt the party left them at the curb will engage again. I don't know if that candidate exists right now, but I do know there are several GOP members in line already for 2028.
Now the real surprise. Everything above, with some paraphrasing, was agreed to by our resident liberal. He was ready to admit that Kamala was really a joke used by the party.
Hopefully the democrats will put up AOC or another member of the squad. LOL.CHIEFS THREE-PEAT
Re: Rehashing The Results
Posted by Dave Williams on December 28, 2024, 7:57 pm, in reply to "Rehashing The Results"
Between 2013 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of "white privilege" and "racial privilege" by 1,200% and nearly 1,500%. The media is the reason race relations have worsened.
Obama pushed that narrative. The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
Maybe I'm in denial the next 1400 or so days, but I will always believe it's the voters.
If you didn't learn eight years ago, and still want more of the same, then it's the voters who did not educate themselves and who are lacking in the department of critical thinking....or else it is biases that they have against female leadership or perhaps other biases.
Otherwise we can only hope that President Musk allows his elected surrogate to break the promises that he made.
or else it is biases that they have against female leadership or perhaps other biases.
Let me put it this way. In college, Kamal was the kind of girl every frat guy wanted to meet at a toga party. Nobody wanted to take her home to meet mom.
See, I hope someday a woman can rise to power and become the President. As stated, Hillary was a hateful witch, and this gal couldn't be taken seriously between here cackling and her answers to questions, or the lack thereof.
She was of no substance. I was actually amazed at just how ignorant she was of issues seeing that she was with Joe for almost four years.
No Dee, this had nothing to do with her being a black woman. This had only to do with her being the wrong woman.CHIEFS THREE-PEAT
Maybe I'm in denial the next 1400 or so days, but I will always believe it's the voters.
And those voters shouted, "oh hell no Kamala". Don't be in denial Dee. Learn to live with it as we did Joe.
You'll be able to criticize Trump's golf game. You'll be able to fear him becoming a dictator, eliminating social security and busting unions, and all those other CNN scare tactics.
Bottom line is he will be OUR president for four years unless a left wing nutjob takes him out which will then vault Vance to the power chair and that might even scare you more. What would be interesting would be to see who would then become VP. That might even shake things up more.CHIEFS THREE-PEAT
Re: Rehashing The Results
Posted by opinionated on December 29, 2024, 12:20 pm, in reply to "Rehashing The Results"
One more thing Dee. You can always feel welcome to be at the table. In fact, we're always looking for someone who bought what Kamalalala was selling to pick up the check for the table. LOL.
Happy New Year Dee. May 2025 be as productive for the country as November 5, 2024 was for the GOP.CHIEFS THREE-PEAT
Even many Democrat hardcore soldiers admit she was about the worst candidate possible. Some theories say it was Biden's revenge for getting pushed out.The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
?si=SECrxSxvlPsipbyOThe policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
Yeah, you may need a Kamala voter to pick up that check.... That's okay, Opie... Don't get flabbergasted when the tip is more than a couple one dollar bills. You cannot spell HATRED without RED HAT.
I am a little concerned about how you're reacting to him. I mean, you are obviously intelligent enough to know that Trump, nor any other American could ever rise to the level of a dictator. Only blithering idiots like the ladies on the View would buy that nonsense.
The economy goes in cycles so my guess is we will see some lowered prices and maybe even interest rates. We'll definitely see some spikes and falls in the market.
As for the border, I hope he shuts it down and I hope fat boys like Pritzker try to stop him. Now you, in your not TDS mind, know Trump will never deport little kids and working mommies and daddies. I would hope you go along with him deporting the animals who, while here illegally have murdered people, raped women and terrorized others. I'm sure you agree.
So hang in there Dee. It's going to be okay. You might even make a few bucks on the market this year or be able to sell a piece of realty for more than it's worth.
Happy New Year and Ring in January 20th.CHIEFS THREE-PEAT
Yeah, you may need a Kamala voter to pick up that check.... That's okay, Opie... Don't get flabbergasted when the tip is more than a couple one dollar bills.
I'm a big tipper. My biggest fear is when Trump eliminates taxes on tips, that my cheap ass liberal friend in the golf group will think it's okay to reduce that tip because the server isn't paying taxes.
If a Kamala voter ever offered to pick up my table's check, I would tell them to keep the money to fix up their safe space room in their house. Spend that money on blindfolds and earbuds so you won't have to read the mean tweets or hear the mean words. LOLCHIEFS THREE-PEAT