If they can't win big, then have Kelly Chase and Tony Twist teach this crew to be 'entertaining'.
An entertaining losing team....is still entertaining.
I think Hockey is about the only sport you could pull that off.
Football now has too many rules, so losing teams can no longer be entertaining.
Definitely, there is no redemptive value in losing in baseball either.
One area where I have some prophetic words.... Don't be so sure that the 'storied' St. Louis Cardinals franchise is safe. I see tell tale signs of a Kroenke being pulled....with that demand for public welfare to 'upgrade' Busch III.
I could see a disinvestment in a team, and a threatened move if these WELFARE RATS don't get their way.
Owners disinvest --- losses on the field--- people stop showing up.... fans are blamed for lack of support.... while trying to leverage their welfare demands over the city.
I call that a Kroenke....and I smell it coming down the pike.
If you could reason with MAGA, there would be no MAGA.
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