I'm sure the murderers in Chicago and St. Louis do as well.
Remember, it was Joe who said take your shotgun out on the deck and fire off two rounds to scare the bad guys. Yep, only problem Joe is that buckshot falls back to earth and the bad guy is carrying a 12 round magazine and can count to two to known your double barrel is now empty.
Soccer, my big question is, why didn't Barrack enact the toughest gun control when he had congressional support in 2007?
Good gun owners will sign up all day for controls and registering and probably even a three-day waiting period for guns sold at a show. And common-sense gun owners know the government never will have the ability to take our guns. That's just a scare tactic as you say.
When you put a nice saddle on a mule, it's still not a racehorse.
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