To begin, my doctor schedule a Colonoscopy for me because of my age. Had it done, and when I woke up from the procedure, The doctor came in and asked did I want my daughter and granddaughter to come into room while he gave me the results. Without thinking I said yes. Then when I saw the look on his face, I told him no just tell me. I was told I had a polyp 5cm or mm in size and that I needed to have surgery. I was told the smaller polyps they removed, but the bigger one needed to be surgical removed. So you know me, I started asking the doctor a million and one questions and to what does that mean, and what this mean, and where do we go from here. He recommended surgery to remove it. So, I said without hesitation let's do it. I didn’t tell anyone in my family what he had told me, so I just kept it to myself and prayed and cried in the spirit. Months later I finally told my girls. Of course, they were concern. The only part I hate when I tell them anything is they want to call their dad, my son, and everyone else to get them to worry. And then the questions start, and then why didn’t you…….. I be like….Bru, can I just do this.
In short,I had the surgery a couple of days ago, and I must say I feel relieve when I was told that it was benign. To God be the Glory. Im still in a slight discomfort, but overall, I feel good and happy. Thank you all again for your prayers. I’m taking a new lease of life. I only have one life to live, and I pray every day that I live my life to the fullest from this point on. I’m trynna do it right! As I mentioned, I Bought myself 3 E-Bikes (yea 3 is a bit much), and now ride my favorite one around the neighborhood. I’ve gone as far as 20 miles, mostly up hill, to the lake, and feel really good afterwords. Started eating more fiber, drinking more water. Man, that old habit was a hard habit to break. I have to say that when I do take my E-bike out I have to watch it like a hawk. If I ride it up to the Starbucks on the other side of the city, I be peeping out the door like a crack head. Lol. Anybody pass by it; I give them the evil eye. Lol. Reason being, I reflect on many years ago when, I use to go, sit at the Starbucks up the street, and had several white peoples tell me that they had computers, phones, bikes stolen when they would leave for a split second. I never forgot that. The community I live in is a melting pot. Some of everybody. My kids laugh at me because when we go places people always stop to talk to me, and they hate it. They say to me mom, stop talking to people so that we can get to one point or the other. I say to them, they stop and talk to me, what do you want me to do. I don’t know those people that talk to me from Adam. I just listen. When every we go to any Starbucks, Barista will see me and be hollowing out the window. My kids just shake their heads. I be like what? I say it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Lol.
In short, classmates, take care of yourself. Get checked out. Continue to stay prayed up, because I did. Intercessory prayers do work, because I am a living soul to speak on it. I will also pray for all of you.
Again thank to you all and just know I love you all much and more.
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