Girl I hear you with the mask. I carry boxes in my car, bags in my purse, and several in my pockets. I be sweating like a big dog, but don’t care. I had family members and friends die from Covid and that’s a heartbreak all in itself. When our old classmates who had Covid at one point, calls me on the phone and still sounds like they have it, It concerns me. I be like, please dont ask to visit. Cuz I can’t. Then they have the nerves to invite me to their birthday parties, or BBQ. I go…Did you NOT get the memo. It’s Covid! Those very same people that’s out and about having all these get together, caught covid 4-6 times. When My neighbor comes over without wearing his mask, (because he hates too, and yes he did get Covid), and each time he leaves my house, my chest hurt, Im shaking, Im anxious, and get slight headaches. No Joke. This last time he stop by, he told me he wasn’t gonna wear one, so I politely told him he’s gonna have to stand in the foyer and we can talk from that point. I had to stop letting him come over. Man, People are so insensitive. Don’t care about anyone but themselves. But anyway. I did put an end to that madness. I DONT ANSWER THE DOOR FOR HIM!!!! His feelings get hurt, but I can’t worry about his feelings. I have to protect me and mind., When JB texted me to tell me Jerome Hardy had Covid and was on a ventilated and didn’t think he was gonna make it. I literally cried. He was truly a good friend, and it broke my heart. Man I was hurt.
I do continue to pray, give God the Glory and Praise for continuing keeping me, my family and friends safe everyday.
Take care of yourself Phoebe “sis” and I the same!
Be Well!
Message Thread HAVE A BLESSED, SAFE AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING APACHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Phoebe Macon November 20, 2022, 4:36 pm
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