For Thanksgiving y’all, Imma throw it down and put my foot in it. Just Joking. Im just gonna cook like old folks do, ya’ll know how we do. The regular stuff. And Peep this, while cooking, imma get together with my girls and do that Beyoncé “Cuff it”Dance. Been practicing it for a minute ya’ll. I was at Kaiser today getting a covid shot done, and heard one of Beyoncé song come on, and ask the young sista that was helping me was that Bae (look…like I know her…lol) new song she told me yea I love her, and I said me too! I said little sis, I love that cut by her where everybody be doing that one dance. She got up from her chair and said yea girl (loved when she called me girl) and started doing that dance, and I started doing it with her. why were we both in this little tiny office at kaiser doing that cuff it dance. Afterward We both started laughing and she told me you got it girl. Made me feel young again……. People!!! I Told ya’ll I got issues. Lol However It did make my day. Told my daughter what had happen and she said to me Mother!!!! Like I did something wrong. I said what? the young sis was the one who kicked it off. What was I suppose to do. I just followed her lead. Don’t trip. Lol My granddaughter grin and said go grandma. Have some fun Lol! Today was a good day….have to admit!
I pray the weather is nice, in so that I can ride my Bike around the Lake, once or twice. will see. 5 miles is a bit. But I gotta. Trynna get back in the groove of either walking and/or riding my bike. That Covid had me all tore up in being fearful. Got to complicit, and didn’t want to do anything. Was too scared. I still wear my mask, and ain’t taking it off for NOBODY! I was in this training (I promise I will be quick) and was the only black person in the training and was telling myself I hope people don’t trip about me wearing my mask. Because I will have a few choice words for them. I wore that mask for the whole 6 hours. Everybody in that class was from East County (if anybody know about San Diego East County, you Know what I’m talking about). You Know on that particular day no one was bothered by my mask. Even though they were not wearing theirs, they didn’t take offense to mine. By the end of the class we all were just laughing, giggling, cracking jokes and inviting each other to other training. Amazing! Just saying. This climate were in had me thinking and feeling like everyone is divisive, or have a one track mind. Not the case at all. OK Im done!!!!
Im done rambling…. For real
Love you all and please stay safe.
Message Thread HAVE A BLESSED, SAFE AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING APACHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Phoebe Macon November 20, 2022, 4:36 pm
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