His marriage to the queen is childless. I think his choice to appoint a formal secondary consort may have been partly influenced by the hope to have more children.
His oldest daughter from his first marriage would have been the most likely choice but since she is in a coma his choice is limited to the only daughter of his second marriage and his youngest son. That son is rumoured to suffer from autism. But even if he were to that spectre is so wide that it is impossible to say how much it would influence his potential position as the king's heir. The king's second daughter might be another option now one of her four brothers is back in Thailand. He is US educated and is said to be a decent legal advisor. Unwed, in his early 40's he might be a welcome option to continue the Royal line.
We'll have to wait and see what happens, but i agree that it's unlikely that the King would not have known or be displeased with this visit. Previous Message
Andrew MacGregor Marshall, who is, arguably, the commentator best informed on the Thai monarchy, seems to think that the Prince's return points to his likely succession. It's impossible to believe that his return was not sanctioned by The King.
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