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    Re: Memorial Day Archived Message

    Posted by Wally Bunker on May 29, 2017, 9:50 pm, in reply to "Re: Memorial Day"

    They are also too busy indoctrinating students from the first grade on into being good little socialists. The 8th graders mocking Paul Ryan and refusing to be photographed with him were lead by a leftist teacher still in denial of Bernie Sanders getting his ass kicked by a woman that later got her ass kicked after having every possible advantage.
    The media and academia are the driving force into what is destroying the country. Im hardly a Paul Ryan fan, but these kids were rewarding simply for showing up someone with an R. after his name. Can you imagine the uproar if a 100 students did something like that to Obama??? The kids would be suspended for a week, the Teacher and Superintendent fired and the parents of the students sent to sensitivity training.

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